NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters

I am Dabasmita Chakrabarti. I am a member of Signature Ob/Gyn practicing at Howard County General.

We are a member of the Johns Hopkins family of physicians.

NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me And Menopause Matters

NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters
NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters

So, menopause is a normal transition. NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me and  Menopause Matters

We shouldn’t be afraid of it, but it does bring some changes to our life.

The average age for menopause in American women is 51, but anytime between 40-60 is normal.

Almost all women will have a year or two of their periods spacing out, getting farther and farther apart before they finally stop. The definition of menopause is 12 months of no periods.

So, once you’ve gone 12 months without a period you should never ever bleed again.

But if you ever do, you need to be seen.

  • Lots of women will have hot flushes,
  • fortunately,
  • those will almost always eventually go away,
  • but they can last for a good number of years.

Acupuncture can be helpful for hot flushes, hormone replacement therapy,

or some anti-anxiety medication such as Paxil and Lexapro is also used to treat hot flushes.

Some women notice vaginal dryness which can make intercourse more uncomfortable.

We always encourage women to be generous with the lubrication.

You can use olive oil or coconut oil out of your kitchen.

nearest menopause clinic

NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters
NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters

Those are perfectly fine, lovely sexual lubricants.

  • If those aren’t sufficient,
  • then over the counter lubricants such as -based or silicone lubricants can be helpful and if that doesn’t do the trick,
  • by all means,
  • talk to your gynecologist about using vaginal estrogen.

That’s very, very safe. It does not get absorbed into your bloodstream,

so it does not affect the risk of breast cancer or heart disease.

  • It, unfortunately,
  • doesn’t help your hot flushes either,
  • but it can be given to women who have breast cancer.
  • The vaginal estrogen is used on a regular basis to help make the vagina more flexible,
  • more pliable,
  • the way it used to be.

The real reason why women are being denied Hormone replacement therapy – BBC London

I felt hopeless worthless and I would get up in the morning and think if this is what life is going to be like

I don’t want to be there anymore suddenly I feel like I’m about to kind of fixes like you kind of sweat dripping down my face and everybody is looking at me like I’ve grown 2 heads for me it was just fear fatigue and the painful joints

I’m Renee hunter camp a London GP with a strong interest in women’s I’ve come to Westminster today to meet a group campaigning for better care for women going through the menopause all women experience menopause at some point in their lives the average age is 51 but for some women,

it’s much younger often due to surgery when I went straight into surgical menopause aged 32 I was having and it was just a rolling kind of huge hot flash and they’re exhausting I’ve been through depression it’s a horrible place to be you don’t want to get up

if you don’t want to talk anybody understands it sometimes I don’t even know-how

I got there people laugh and say oh you know my brain fog managing a home life when you’ve got busy family going in and out yet I found the butter in the dishwasher

I’m 51 and I am perimenopausal I do have hot flushes and they’re not pleasant

so I completely understand where these women are coming from as a GP it makes me really sad to hear their story that about not being treated by their GP and their symptoms not being recognized so I asked 19 times to be referred to an NHS specialist menopause clinic 39 times and it was only when I went into the surgery I was crying

so much I couldn’t even hold myself up and that they said

we made an appointment with a female GP thinking that she would be more sympathetic and she said it’s natural suck it up GPS is failing to prescribe HRT to women that desperately need it but with

where is my nearest menopause clinic

NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters
NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me II Menopause Matters

NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me so many scare stories in the media about the risks you can see why GPS is confused I’ve come to meet Marianne Lumsden to find out the truth about HRT the decline started with the publication of the million women study and

the Women’s Initiative which suggested that the harm from the preparations outweighed the benefits HRT prescription rates fell from 6 million in 2017 to 2.5 million in 2020 people stopped prescribing HRT they forgot that

the menopause occurred and can cause problems for women the number of menopause clinics decreased dramatically and there is a whole generation of GPS who had no training in menopause medicine at all and now

we are trying to change that the media have played a big role in women turning away from HRT can you take me through what the actual risk of breast cancer is in the average UK population of menopausal age about 23 women will get breast cancer out of every thousand in terms of lifestyle

we see that the impact of being obese and drinking alcohol is far greater than this small risk of four cases per thousand women that is attributable to HRT other proven benefits of HRT include protection against bone and

heart disease but many GPS are failing to give women accurate information in the fact that they kept saying to me that there was a risk of breast cancer

if I took HRT just fueled my fear that HRT would give me breast cancer Emma like many women looked for alternatives

so then I went down the stores and got all the black cohosh yeah all this sort of thing even a magnet that you put in your lady magnet ladies but nothing worked Emma was desperate

she could no longer tolerate her hot flushes and mood swings then she came across bioidentical HRT

I then read about it or and thought this is for me this is what

I’ve been looking for its -made clinics in London offering bioidentical hormone treatment are on the increase

I’m here at the Mary Engler clinic to find out more on a weekly basis

we have about a hundred and fifty patients there’s quite a demand for bioidentical hormone therapy here what are bioidentical hormones are hormones which are identical to our own hormones

I can actually prepare a prescription which is totally individual to the patient in front of me how would you do that how would you know what

I need it the most important thing is I take your and then

I do blood tests people fit the clinic says this information enables them to make a unique compound for each individual for around a thousand pounds oh my hopefully she’s stopped which was amazing or my moods leveled out and then

I started having lots of problems with my boobs

so really painful really sore

so then I was told to reduce the dose that didn’t work and then all of a sudden like I had an actual period which

I saw a spot one set of problems for another set of problems Emma decided to stop her treatment but the Clinic says for many women bioidentical hormones are successful the majority

I feel like myself again I’ve got my life back they have their energy back but menopause experts in the NHS strongly disagree with what these clinics are doing consultant hate from

her motor runs an NHS menopause clinic at King’s woman shouldn’t be going to seek compounded products

I think there are issues with their safety and I do think they should be seen through the NHS and receive regulated preparations for controlling their symptoms ah the medications that you give me safe

I can certainly reassure that the patient is safe because

we monitor the patient we might we see them regularly

we do the pelvic ultrasound which is really important because we see the effect of our medicine we can’t say that it’s safe there you can never say that the constituents the Easter dial the progesterone testosterone are in themselves licensed for use however

if you alter the dose and you mix them in together you are making a different product which does not have market authorization from the government’s regulator and to get it you have to do all sorts of complicated trials and see

if it’s safe for your population of women to take no it’s not regulated as such because who is going to spend millions of pounds going through trials to get that product licensed

what many women don’t realize is that regulated bioidentical hormones are available on the NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me something that Emma now has prescribed by

her GP which is that there is a hit type of HRT that you can take that is bioidentical it’s not synthetic it’s plant-based it’s gentle and

you can get it on the NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me all HRT prescribing in NHS Menopause Clinic Near Me is tailored to the patient’s need and body identical bioidentical preparations are now very much the first line of HRT used in this context but if

we’re to stop women using unregulated treatments then

we desperately need to educate GPS in prescribing HRT for menopause symptoms this is not a rare disease this is not something that we don’t know about this is simple stuff

if we’re to save GP time to save NHS money what

we actually need is a very simple to follow guide to drop into the inbox of

all GPS and to be honest I could produce that tomorrow you

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