Gestational diabetes meal plan Good Blood Sugar Levels

Hi, my name is Dr. Dabadmita Chakrabarti. I’m an Ob/Gyn with Signature Ob/Gyn.

We deliver babies at Howard County General and provide Gyn care there as well.

Diabetes is a disease of abnormal blood sugar.

It is mostly caused by insulin resistance in the body,

but it can be due to a complete lack of production of insulin.

Gestational is diabetes is first diagnosed in pregnancy.

Gestational diabetes meal plan For Good Blood Sugar Levels

Gestational diabetes meal plan Good Blood Sugar Levels
Gestational diabetes meal plan Good Blood Sugar Levels

It is usually due to interference between the insulin hormone and the pregnancy hormones leading to an abnormal glucose level in the blood.

  • The gestational diabetes meal plan can increase a woman’s risk of developing pre-eclampsia,
  • of needing a cesarean section or even having a stillbirth.
  • Women are at increased risk of developing larger than normal babies,
  • that’s increasing their risk of NICU admission and of shoulder dystocia,
  • which are the shoulders getting stuck as the baby is delivering vaginally or by C-section?

Babies also have an increased risk of developing neonatal jaundice.

They can develop neonatal hypoglycemia which is low blood sugar.

To make sure that you and your baby are healthy during pregnancy,

it is important to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy.

what are the warning signs of gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes meal plan Good Blood Sugar Levels
Gestational diabetes meal plan Good Blood Sugar Levels

This includes a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Some women can control the Gestational diabetes meal plan with diet alone,

but many women will need to take insulin instead.

Oral hypoglycemics, which is an oral medication,

is no longer recommended in pregnancy due to the risk of low blood sugar in the infants.

We also recommend antenatal testing which is regular visits with additional testing with heart tracings and ultrasounds to decrease your risk of complications during a pregnancy complicated by the Gestational diabetes meal plan.

In a healthy woman, with a healthy BMI at the start of pregnancy,

the recommendation is to gain between 25 and 35 pounds in pregnancy.

In a woman whose BMI is above normal,

you’ll be recommended to gain less than that amount.

Women who have a Gestational diabetes meal plan are certainly at increased risk of developing diabetes postpartum.

We recommend a two-hour glucose tolerance test six weeks postpartum to determine

if the woman still has diabetes and then she should follow up with her primary care yearly to ensure she has not developed diabetes at that point.

Gestational Diabetes Recipes + Meal Plan For Good Blood Sugar Levels By A Dietitian

do you have Gestational diabetes meal plan and you want to have good blood sugars and a healthy baby that’s not huge today I’m going to share with you my clients favorite easy recipes I’m gonna chat about what to eat for

Gestational diabetes meal plan including portion sizes  first I’m going to tell you a really short story about a pregnant woman named Emily

so this is Emily and she was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes meal plan

so she very dutifully followed the guidelines of taking 175 grams of carbohydrate for her pregnancy and she was frustrated because her blood Sugar’s were still high and she wasn’t able to control her blood Sugar’s and she had to

go on insulin then she did some research and she figured out that actually 175 grams isn’t based on scientific data and it’s actually just a whole bunch of circular studies that are referring to each other and it’s actually safe to have fewer carbohydrates not a low carbohydrate diet but a lower carbohydrate diet

so Emily cut back on her carbohydrates to about 90 to 150 grams of carbohydrates and she was able to avoid insulin which may not be true for all women but they may be able to cut back but she was able to avoid taking insulin and she had a healthy baby girl that weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces

if you’re new to me my name is Jessica pumps I’m a registered dietician and certified diabetes and bariatric educator I’ve been working with pregnant and women with Gestational diabetes meal plan since 2009 helping them have

good blood sugars and a healthy baby that’s not huge today I’m going to share the recipes with you but don’t worry you don’t have to have a pen to scribble everything down you can go down to the description box

below and I have not only the recipes but a week’s meal plan for Gestational diabetes meal plan below this is the first article in a series that I’m going to do to have a healthy baby with Gestational diabetes meal plan

so if you have Gestational diabetes meal plan or your pregnant mom make sure you subscribe to our channel and ding the bell

can eating too much sugar cause gestational diabetes

so that you get notified every Wednesday when we release new Article,

of course,

this is general information only and you should refer to your or your diabetes team to find out what’s right for you and your Gestational diabetes meal plan and

if you are on insulin may sure that you refer to your healthcare professionals because if you play around with the amount of carbohydrate and you don’t change your insulin you could end up with hypoglycemia or a low blood

sugar let’s dive into the recipes and as I go along I’m going to explain why I chose each of the foods and the carbohydrate and the portion sizes

so that you can modify your own recipes with the tips that I’m providing what we’re looking for in a recipe for Gestational diabetes meal plan is protein healthy fats low carbohydrate vegetables and then a little bit of low

glycemic index carbohydrate this could be from a low glycemic index grain or a vegetable with carbohydrate it could be from fruit or milk and alternative like I explained in the story the current guidelines recommend 175 grams of

carbohydrate for pregnant women this is a lot of carbohydrates and the research shows that this is not based on evidenced-based studies and the current research shows that it is safer to have a lower amount of carbohydrate for pregnant women

if you’re interested in learning more about the research my colleague Lily nickels wrote a book on this called real food for Gestational diabetes meal plan  I will also put the link below for this in the description box if you wanted to out that book as well also

if you’re interested in learning about why women get gestational diabetes and exactly how just national diabetes works in the body I’m gonna link to an animation that very simply explains how everything works in the body I like to

aim for between 90 and 150 of grams of carbohydrate per day for Gestational diabetes meal plan  and

so when you break that down between meals and snacks and given that is usually a larger portion size about 15 to 20 max 40 grams of carbohydrate is a good amount to aim for at your I do have a question for you are you comfortable counting carbohydrates let me know in the comments

if you’re comfortable counting carbohydrates or if you would like me to make an article on how to accurately count carbohydrates including the best apps to use and tools to use to get a really at carbohydrate count for your Gestational diabetes meal plan number one is feta and stuffed peppers

so my friend Paula at how to make made this recipe and they look

gestational diabetes mellitus

so delicious I will link to the article on how to make it as well and you compare it with a with about 15 to 20 grams of carbohydrates to make sure you’re getting that 20 to 40 grams of carbohydrates in your meal and in the

the meal plan I’ll link to recipes that have either you could put in a half an of whole-grain or 1/3 an of cooked quinoa or you could add some fruit to your to make sure that you’re getting those carbohydrates and all of those options are in the meal plan number two is cauliflower dough pizza and

I was surprised my kids absolutely love this and gobbled it up and you can either do it with a head of cauliflower grating it or doing it in the food processor I just bought riced cauliflower to make it super fast and easy and it was really super fast and easy

so you do cook it and then you have to drain it and the key is draining out the riced cauliflower more than you think

so cook it let it cool and then squeeze it and then squeeze it a little bit more or maybe get your hubby to squeeze it and get all of them out of it and then you can just mix everything together and you sort of make the shape of a pizza crust and cook it and it stayed together fairly well as well and the carbohydrate amount

so for half of the pizza if you’re gonna have two slices or half the pizza from one package it’s going to be about 8 grams for the dough and then you’re gonna add the pizza sauce and

so for a quarter of pizza sauce,

it’s 7 grams of carbohydrate – 2 grams of fiber

so you’re looking at about 5 if you have a quarter of a piece of sauce on half of the pizza you might have a little bit less to have measured out see how much you use but

if you had a wish that you could just add some fruit or you could add a glass of almond milk or fruit to round out the amount of carbohydrate that you would need for that number 3 is ground meatballs made with almond flour rather than comes over the top of spaghetti rather than over of or

so this is a lower-carb choice one of the spaghetti is about seven net grams of carbs and the meatballs because they’re made with almond flour are very low-carb as well

so you could have two cups of spaghetti or you could add a fruit or a glass of milk or alternative to round out the number of carbs that you need for this meal as well

I did the spaghetti in my instant pot because it was fast and I really loved doing it that way but you could also bake it in the oven and then when it’s cooked you just take a and it scrapes out and it’s in the shape of spaghetti giving you that same sort of texture number four is brown and a low-carb veggie such as broccoli

so you can cook them however you want you could do it in the oven you could pan fry it you could do it on the barbecue and the brown I like to do again in my instant pot but you could do it on the stove and one of the things

I like to do to make my more flavorful is done it in a vegetable or a broth and that just gives it a little bit more flavor and the key here to this meal is going to be the portion size of the brown because that’s what contains the carbohydrates

so 1/3 of an of cooked brown is 15 grams of carbohydrate or

if you’re having 1/2 it’s going to be about 22 grams of carbohydrate and then you can pair it with your veggie and then

if you wanted to add fruit or milk to that meal as well you can number 5 is a tofu stir-fry over black bean or you could also do it over zoodles where you take a zucchini and you spiralize it and the before you say

if you’re not a tofu lover before you say yeah I don’t like tofu hear me out tofu takes on the flavor of whatever you’re cooking it with but for it to take on that flavor you need to take the moisture out of it

so if you have tried tofu and someone didn’t take the moisture out of it then it’s just gonna taste plain and kind of blah but

if you take the tofu and 24 hours in advance put it either in a tofu press or just squeeze it out and wrap it in a towel then it takes out the moisture and then the tofu can absorb the flavors of whatever you’re cooking it with

so if you’re not a tofu fan I challenge you to try this recipe because it’s quite delicious my kids love it and as long as you get the moisture out it the tofu tastes delicious

so there you have it the best nutrient-dense and lower-carb recipes for Gestational diabetes meal plan to have better blood sugars and to have a healthy baby that is a healthy size and possibly to help stay off insulin

so I will put the link below to a weekly plan for Gestational diabetes meal plan that includes all these recipes but also includes and recipes as well

if you have more questions about your Gestational diabetes meal plan and your blood sugars or a meal plan or what to eat you can put your questions in the comments below but you can also head over to our Facebook community of women with Gestational diabetes meal plan just like you and

I will also put the link to that in the comments below and ask your questions to registered dietitians diabetes educators and other moms in the group there

if you liked this article and found it helpful please give it a thumbs up remember to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell to get notified and

if you know anyone else with Gestational diabetes meal plan please share this Article with them

so that they can have good blood sugars and a healthy baby as well thank you

so much for joining me for this Article today stay tuned for more Article about Gestational diabetes meal plan and

living healthy with Gestational diabetes meal plan as well as our regular Article for prenatal yoga and fitness and postpartum core and diastasis recti healing and weight loss after a baby

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